27 + 2.2
17 + 2
13 + 1.2
Affiliation: Neutral Attack
Animation: 0.35 / 0.65
Damage: 49 - 55
Casting Animation: 0.53 / 0.5
Armor: 3.9
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 305
Missile Speed: 900
Attack Range: 500
Sight Range: 1800 / 800
Fires an intense beam of light at a target, blinding it for 2 seconds causing it to miss all of its attacks. Deals precise damage.
Explanation: This is your primary nuke that deals devastating amounts of pure damage and blinds foes for 2 seconds. Effective all throughout the game.
Heat Seeking Missile
The Tinker fires a rocket at the nearest visible enemy hero.
Explanation: Your second nuke that deals a little more damage than the first one as in description but is not taken as pure damage meaning damage is reduced by innate magic defense. This is best used under situations when finishing off fleeing heroes with low HP at great distance and slowing down a blitzkrieg by casting on a safe distance.
March of the Machines
Calls in hordes of robotic goblins to destroy your enemies.
Explanation: Your famous pushing/farming/counter-pushing skill
Instantly reloads the Tinker's weapons.
Explanation: One of the best ultimates in-game that only you have. The ability to refresh your arsenal just the way it is. This is why the other 102 wannabes envy you. In their dreams.
To keep you from looking like a fool in front of everybody here are the list of items that cannot be rearmed:
Starting Items
This is the most common source of HP and Mana that you would see most players get early game and the reason for it being a great item on you is that you lose HP and Mana quite fast and mostly at the exact same time. Normally this happens (especially if your going mid lane and facing an EoA carry like SF) because you have to get a little near an opponent to execute your
Laser +
HSM combo.
These Items Provide you with a good amount of stats that can help you increase your intelligence attribute and therefore expanding your mana pool to a larger scale.
Upgrade your Mantle and Circlet into Null Talisman and upgrade it later to Dagon.
Buy boots to increase move-speed.
Regeneration Items
If your facing aggressors it's best to bring more of these items rather than wasting time going back to base.
Utility Items
Courier is a must for you to easily gain control over the runes but expect the other team to have one as well and that it will be a race against power-ups. Spot the runes using your Courier, Get it using your Empty Bottle before an enemy hero does and use it to your advantage in refilling your empty cask.
In times when couriers are not used for rune spotting.
This is good for revealing invisible units in a 1050 radius for 12 seconds or to prevent wind-walk attempts from fleeing heroes. A lot cheaper than Gem of True Sight and is more convenient to carry because it doesn't eat an inventory slot due to it's limited charges and you don't have to worry about dropping it when you die.
Invisibility and
Haste are your best friends.
Core Items
This is your core and your only core that will enable you to teleport around the map and annoy everyone on the opposing team with your surprise ambushes. Also being able to teleport instantly form one end of the map to the other with constant Rearm is a great way to push while farming at the same time with an occasional MotM+Shiva's Guard here and there. Doing so while the enemy team is on a 5 man push on one lane would draw them in scattered confusion and stop their push, leaving them defending instead. This item alone will make the other team worry about where you will pop out next.
Adds +95 to your movement speed
Luxury Items
Now comes the tricky part. This is the time when you will be choosing what item you are to build first from a wide set of items that you need. Generally I can't tell you what to build first but in my opinion and experience it's best if you prioritize first mana regeneration and some decent armor for you to last longer on the field.
Perfect. That's what this item is because of the wide benefits it provides you. Intelligence, Armor, and a 40% move-speed reduction. Good chasing and farming item due to Arctic Blast.
Expensive. That's what this item is. Numero uno on the list of the most expensive items in DotA. At level 5 it deals 800 burst damage almost as strong as a level 3 Finger of Death and an increasing upgrade to your intelligence growth of +21 at max level and additional +3 to all attributes. 8000gs overall.
Good for countering single-targeted spells and overall a good source of mana. Also beefs you up a bit and you can rearm the block ability.
Another great item that suits your role of being a disabler carry. Great source of mana with 200% mana regeneration and further stat bonuses plus the hex ability that would make it's steep price worth it. This is a must so buy it most if not all the time.
After buying all these items we are down with one last inventory slot. Mostly by the time you fill this up the game has ended but still there are times when things just won't end.
Other Viable Items
These are the items you can choose from. If their not there their not supposed to be there.
This is a great counter to Physical DPS and other heroes who rely mostly on their raw damage. Other than the Ether Blast it's pretty much useless. An expensive item that can get you killed instantly.
This is great for escaping enemy chasers and a good source of mana and movement speed.
Raw HP and additional strength gain.
This item works best if you have fast hands more so, it will make you more effective in ganks. Blink in, zap with nukes then blink out; you will look like a pro.
A good nuke absorber. This item can help you throw away your arsenal of goodies with no interruption for 5 seconds. The downside is that it cannot be rearmed.
Can be rearmed meaning less attention due to return damage being kept on.
This is taken because of the mirror images it provides to confuse enemies and discourage any head on attempts. Watch out for splash damage.
I've Actually tried this item once on Tinker and It's not all that bad because of the mana and HP it provides plus the Bloodpact passive that provides you with a reduction on your death timer, gold lost, A charge that stacks whenever an enemy hero dies within 1600 AoE, vision, and ultimately experience at the location of your death.
Support Items
This is a good silencing item for disabling heavy nukers rendering them unable to use spells and also amplifies 20% of damage it took in the last 5 second duration and will take it as magic damage at the end.
This is a good support item if your not playing as the team carry due to the instant heal it provides to allies. Great item to have during clashes.
Some may disagree with this item being viable on Tinker but it offers good support if your team lacks a stun or at least a slow because it has the purge charges so don't hesitate buying this as it can make you a good support if your not carrying. The agility is wasted though.
Source www.w3xmap.com
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